If you need to perform http redirection in IIS 7 console, you may find that option missing. If that's the case, it means that you need to install http redirection component on your server. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Run
  2. In run command window type in mmc.exe
  3. In consol window, click on File -> Add / Remove snap-in
  4. From Available snap-ins list, add Server Manager
  5. Select Local Computer option and click ok
  6. After you've done above, Server Manager should be listed in left handside tree (under Console Root node)
  7. Expand Server Manager and click on Roles node
  8. Scroll down to Web Server (IIS) section, and click on Add Role Service button
  9. Http Redirection is located under Web Server -> Common HTTP Features

Once you've ticked the option, installation process should kick in. After it's finished restart your server.


Tagged: configuration  IIS  IIS 7  internet information services