If you've got multiple domains/subdomain pointing to a single directory and you need to serve different robots.txt file depeding on the domain context, you may need to consider creating a handler that will change the content of robots.txt accordingly.

IIS configuration

Firstly you need to let IIS to redirect all requests for .txt files via ASP.NET engine. To do that, in IIS 6.0 right click on selected website and select Properties. On Home Directory tab, click on Configuration tab and find .aspx in the Application Extensions list. Once you've found .aspx extension, click on Edit button and copy Executable path. Go back to the list and click on Add button. Paste executable path that you copied from .aspx extension, enter txt as Extension, limit Verbs to GET only and untick Verify that file exists checkbox.



You'll also need to add 3 entries to your web.config file:

<add verb="GET" path="/robots.txt" type="System.Web.UI.SimpleHandlerFactory" />
<add path="*.txt" verb="GET" type="System.Web.StaticFileHandler" />

 in configuration -> system.web -> httpHandlers


<add extension=".txt" type="System.Web.Compilation.WebHandlerBuildProvider" />

 in configuration -> system.web -> compilation -> buildProviders.

robots.txt handler

Now, create a new file .txt file in the root and name it robots. I tend to use umbraco to pull the content of the robots.txt from the database (so the content of robots.txt/per domain is CMS managable), however you may want to hardcode it or store it in your own database.

<%@ webhandler Language="C#" Class="Robots" %>

using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Configuration;

    public partial class Robots : IHttpHandler
        public bool IsReusable
                return false;
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
                       var robotsContent = string.Empty;

                       try {
                          HttpResponse response = context.Response;
                          HttpRequest request = context.Request;
                          response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                          response.BufferOutput = true;
                          if (request.Url.Host == null) return;

                              case "xxx.com" :
                                 robotsContent = "XXX";

                              case "yyy.xxx.com":
                                robotsContent = "YYY";

                                robotsContent = "XXX";                          


                      catch {

                          robotsContent = "An error occured.";



Tagged: .NET 4  C#  configuration  IIS  IIS 7  internet information services  ISAPI  robots.txt  search engine optimisation